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The Fake Out

The best way to get back at my horrible ex? Fake date Rory Miller--my ex's rival, the top scorer in pro hockey, and the arrogant, flirtatious hockey player I tutored in high school.

Faking it is fun and addictive, though, and beneath the bad boy swagger, Rory’s sweet, funny, and protective.

He teaches me to skate and spends way too much money on me.

He sleeps in my bed and convinces me to break my just-one-time hookup rule.
He kisses me like it’s real.

And now I wonder if Rory was ever faking it to begin with.

The Fake Out is a pro hockey fake dating romance. It is the second book in the Vancouver Storm series but can be read as a standalone.

Seria Vancouver Storm

1. Za bandą
2. The Fake Out

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Dodał: Miravelle
27 X 2024 (7 dni temu)

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