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Suck the devil

Patrick B. is married to his sister Anna. They live in an incestuous marriage. The result oftheir relationship is a son named Eric. Their father Marian B. is serving a life sentence inprison. He was the leader of the so-called Strangler Gang, a criminal group that committedmurders and robberies. In Marian's cell they put the guru of the Rebirth Sect and from thatmoment Patrick's troubles begin.Within a few days his life turns into hell. The bloody ride begins. Can Patrick cope with thedemons of the past? Will he be able to stand up to his father? What if each of us has the spiritof our parents inside us?This novel is a thrill ride: murders, necrophilia, black magic. The quintessential world aroundus...

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Wydawnictwo: Amazon
Rok wydania: 2021
Ocena: -
Liczba głosów: -
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Dodał: disappear
10 III 2023 (rok temu)

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