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Fated Crown

Are some bonds meant to be broken?

I thought I'd lost everything when the vicious fae murdered my family and stole me away. I've made a life with more love than I could have imagined in these dangerous, magical lands. But it turns out I left something behind in the human world.

My heart longs to make up for the time I've lost—but it also can't let go of the four fae men I adore. With all of the fae seeing me as some kind of savior, how can I choose who needs me most?

And is there another threat lurking behind the arch-lords' attempts to tear me from my lovers? I can't shake the feeling that my greatest challenge lies ahead of me, one no crown or tender words can save me from.

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Dodał: Sanai
30 IV 2022 (ponad 2 lat temu)

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