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Dragon's Desire

Ren is finally getting used to the idea that she's the last dragon shifter alive—destined to take four alpha shifters as her mates and unite all shifter kind—when more trouble looms on the horizon. The rogue group that slaughtered her family is still out for blood, and they don't care who they hurt along the way.

Ren and her mates set out to quash the rebellion once and for all. But the rogues have allies in unexpected places, startling enough to shake Ren's resolve. Throw in a challenger hoping to wrench the position of alpha from one of her guys, and this dragon shifter has reached her limit. How can a girl who's only known she's a shifter for three weeks heal sixteen years of chaos?

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Dodał: Sanai
30 IV 2022 (ponad 2 lat temu)

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