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Hunt the Fae

The moment I step into Faerie, I become his.

Everyone knows about the Fae of the forest—gorgeous, sinful, deadly. When I trespass into their magical world, I need more than my sharp tongue to survive. Especially against the ruler of the woodland.

Puck is a smooth-talking rogue with a cruel smirk that sets me aflame in more ways than one. And because the Fae bastard likes to play with his captives, he gives me two choices: either hunt or be hunted.

Now I'm trapped in a dangerous game of hide and seek, lost in this dark, seductive realm where Faeries wield blades and whisper lustful temptations from the shadows.

He’s the predator. I’m the prey.

But I’m not submitting without a fight. I refuse to be Puck’s toy. If my rakish enemy wants to hunt me, I’ll hunt him back and beat him at his own treacherous game.

Yet I can’t resist the wicked desire in his eyes, nor his heated touch and devious kiss. And if I’m not careful, he’ll crush my very soul.

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Dodał: Sanai
05 I 2022 (ponad 3 lat temu)

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