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Shadow Empress

Ali -
I’m now the Empress of Vanaheim and leader of all Elves. It’s a lonely job, but the important thing is that the Night Elves are finally safe. At least until I learn of the invading draugr horde. I need Galin's help, and I’m desperate to see him again, but the sorcerer has plans of his own. And when he tries to rewrite our fate, I may lose everything—including him.

Galin -
After I fell into the Well of Wyrd, the shades dragged my shattered body to Hel. Hela may have breathed life back into me, but I’ve found myself trapped. Oddly enough, when Hela closes the gates to Hel, I see opportunity to escape. A chance to rewrite my fate, to find glory again. But as I spend time with Ali my icy resolve starts to crack. I want to choose her, but it could mean being stuck in Hel for good.

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Dodał: Sanai
15 XII 2021 (ponad 3 lat temu)

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