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Cursed Prince

My heart hasn't beat in a thousand years. I haven't uttered a word in prison, and the guards keep their distance. If they get too close, they die--until at last, my magic binds my soul to another.

Unfortunately, the person destined to save me is a Night Elf--the enemy of my kind. And yet, when I see her in the cell across from mine, an ember starts to burn in my chest. When we escape together down the palace walls, it’s almost like I can feel again.

As we journey to find the magic that will save us both, attraction simmers between us. But I keep my secrets close. Because if she finds out what I am, she will find a way to kill me--even if it means sacrificing herself to do it.

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Dodał: Sanai
15 XII 2021 (ponad 3 lat temu)

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