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After a nightmare blind date, hair stylist Holly Phillips swears off men. The only problem with that plan? Her mysterious and sinfully sexy neighbor Kostya who appeared from the shadows and saved her on that cold, scary night.

Russian covert operative turned infamous mob cleaner Kostya Antonovich lives his life by one major rule: Don’t Get Involved. But when the lies surrounding Holly’s birth begin to unravel, Kostya’s only choice is to break that rule and break it hard.

He’ll use every last tool in that sinister black bag of his to protect Holly from a cartel hit squad and the notorious KGB operative who has escaped a grim Russian prison to seek his revenge.

For her, he’ll risk it all.

Seria Jej rosyjski obrońca

1. Iwan
2. Dymitr
3. Yuri
4. Nikolai
5. Sergei
6. Nikolai 2
7. Kostya
8. Alexei
9. Ivan 2
10. Danila
11. Vasya

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Dodał: Miravelle
29 XII 2019 (ponad 5 lat temu)

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