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Sweet Little Bitch

I had never asked for a break. It had been a small request for space so I could think. Just some time to reflect and search myself. Loving Marty had never been the problem. It was the word marriage that haunted me.

In the end, none of it mattered.

Marty proved to be exactly what I feared. Unfaithful. And he’d fooled me, not once, but twice.

There sure as hell wouldn’t be a third time.

Three long years and the sight of her still feels like electricity jolting me awake from a sleep I didn’t realize I was in. Even with plenty of time to mentally prepare for this, being near Fiona reminded me what I’d never managed to find in another woman.

Even if she was crazy as hell. A mixture of hot, cold, funny, brutal all wrapped into a fucking gorgeous package.

When I left town, I was getting away from any memories of her. Protecting myself the only way I could.

But my twin brother and her half-sister were tying the knot. Unlike us, Shay and Mack could claw each other’s eyes out one minute and be madly in love the next.

Making it through this wedding weekend was all Mack asked of me. I could do it. I had to.

Even if it took all the whiskey in Savannah.

Fiona wouldn’t break me.

Not again.

Seria Sweet

1. Sweet Little Thing
2. Sweet Little Lies
3. Sweet Little Memories
4. Sweet Little Bitch

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Dodał: Miravelle
05 I 2019 (ponad 6 lat temu)

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