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Sweet Little Thing

The day her mother passed away, Beulah was only given a name. That was it. No other explanation.

Portia Van Allan was not someone Beulah could believe her mother ever knew. Wealthy, self-absorbed and other than the fact Portia was supplying special care for Beulah’s sister, Portia was cruel.

The day Portia’s son returns home for the summer, Beulah discovers that Portia isn’t in charge. This isn’t her home at all. Her late husband left her with nothing. It all belongs to their son who doesn’t seem to like his mother at all.

Jasper Van Allan doesn’t know why his mother has hired a young gorgeous blonde to take care of the house and almost lets her go before he finds out the truth.

Realizing there’s more to Beulah than a stunning face, he keeps finding reasons to be near her all the time. It’s all falling into place, it all begins to make sense... until the real lies, the dark secrets, and the skeletons come tumbling out of the Van Allan closet. Twisted truths that will send Beulah running...

Seria Sweet

1. Sweet Little Thing
2. Sweet Little Lies
3. Sweet Little Memories
4. Sweet Little Bitch

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Dodał: Miravelle
05 I 2019 (ponad 6 lat temu)

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