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The Cards Don't Lie

Three desperate but spirited women of New Orleans—a voodoo priestess, a plantation mistress who has out-of-body experiences, and a prostitute—forge a unique partnership in order to save their city from the British juggernaut. But their endeavors are compounded by secrets and sacrifices necessary for survival.

1814: It’s the third year of the United States second War of Independence. The British are on the verge of capturing the strategically important port of New Orleans. In the midst of the Americans’ chaotic preparations for battle, three women play key roles in the defense of the city: Catherine, a free woman of color, voodoo priestess, and noted healer personally summoned by General Andrew Jackson; Marguerite, a pampered Creole plantation mistress prone to out-of-body experiences; and Millie, a plucky, patriotic prostitute inspired by her pirate lover to serve in the most dangerous capacity of all. These three women’s lives and fates become intertwined as they join forces to defend their country.

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Dodał: Sanai
05 XII 2018 (ponad 6 lat temu)

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