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The Princess Spy

A new suitor. A shocking discovery.

Margaretha has always been a romantic, and hopes her newest suitor, Lord Claybrook, is destined to be her one true love. But then an injured man is brought to the castle, claiming to be an English lord who was left for dead by Claybrook's men. She convinces herself "Lord Colin" is just an addled stranger, until Colin retrieves an heirloom she lost in a well and asks her to spy on Claybrook as repayment. Margaretha knows she could never be a spy---not only does she tend to talk too much, she's sure Colin is completely wrong about her potential betrothed.

But she soon discovers her romantic notions may have been clouding her judgment about not only Colin but Claybrook as well. She soon finds herself running for her life--and it may be up to her to save her father and her family from one man's wicked plot.

Seria Hagenheim

1. The Healer's Apprentice
2. The Merchant's Daughter
3. The Fairest Beauty
4. The Captive Maiden
5. The Princess Spy
6. The Golden Braid
7. The Silent Songbird

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Dodał: Sanai
08 XII 2016 (ponad 8 lat temu)

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