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The Seduction 2

It's OK, you can admit it. I won't tell. You want it rough and deep and dirty. You want to hear the steel in my voice when I tell you exactly how to please me. And you want to know, I won't hesitate to punish you if you don't follow my commands to the letter.

Yeah, that's right. I'll punish you, and I won't go gentle either. I'll bend you over and spank that sweet ass until it's branded with my handprint. Until it hurts so good, you forget where the line is between pleasure and pain.

Who am I? The Seducer. And now I'm in way over my head.

I thought she was just a job to me, another girl to screw. But now she's under my skin, and I can't just walk away. My secrets are spiraling out of control, but I can't quit now. She doesn't realize the danger she's facing -- or that her biggest threat is me.

I want to protect her, but I could wind up destroying us both.

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20 IX 2015 (ponad 9 lat temu)

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