Książki autorstwa Whitney Barbetti

The Weight of Life
Whitney Barbetti

-Mila- “Don’t let go.” Those were my first words to him, as I hung over the side of a London bridge. The words I would soon say again, in a moment that didn’t involve bridges, but something much more fragile: my heart. He held onto me for three weeks, in a time when I needed to be held. Needed to c...

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Six Feet Under
Whitney Barbetti

Seria He Found Me 1. He Found Me 2. He Saved Me 2.5 Six Feet Under

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He Saved Me
Whitney Barbetti

Julian I’ve come to understand that I’ll always find her. She’s my north star, my sense of direction. In her, I’ve found my home. She tells me I saved her. But the truth is, she saved me. But nothing good can ever last. Andra’s keeping secrets. She’s holding something back. I’m trying, desperately,...

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He Found Me
Whitney Barbetti

When I was seventeen, I disappeared. I walked out the door of my apartment with a backpack and never looked back. I left the life of Cora Mitchell behind, seeking freedom from my real-life nightmare. But my freedom came with a cost. I lived a fictitious life for the next six years, never letting any...

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Dziesięć Poniżej Zera
Whitney Barbetti

„Tutaj,” powiedział, naciskając na skórę nad moim sercem, „jesteś nieczuła. I jesteś bliżej śmierci niż ja.” Mam na imię Parker. Moje ciało jest naznaczone bliznami, które powstały w wyniku ataku, którego nie pamiętam. Którego nie chcę pamiętać. Wybieram, aby przejść przez życie obserwując, a nie d...

Ocena czytelników: 4.4 (oddanych głosów: 5)

Książek: 5