Książki autorstwa Sophie Summers

Angel Blackwood
Sophie Summers

Some people would say that only a coward runs, but I'd say running away from Point Bright and the people I once loved most is the hardest damn thing I've ever had to do. The possibility of losing my friends due to my inherent need to flee is an entirely new sort of hurt, one I haven't felt before a...

Ocena czytelników: - (oddanych głosów: 0)
Alexia Eden
Sophie Summers

Tragedy strikes before Lexi's 16th birthday and the flawless life she once knew is shattered and tarnished. Everyone and everything changes, she decides the only way to survive is to keep all her emotions under lock and not let anyone in. She loses friends, the very ones that were by her side most...

Ocena czytelników: - (oddanych głosów: 0)

Książek: 2