Książki autorstwa Charlotte Kersten

Sorrow and Ghosts
Charlotte Kersten

A year has passed since Iraluri and her husband stole the hidden offerings that raised them from obscurity to a life of incredible luxury. Wealth has brought no peace, however, and Iraluri begins to find her marriage more untenable than ever, slowly regaining the determination that she once thought...

Ocena czytelników: - (oddanych głosów: 0)
Sweetness and Blessings
Charlotte Kersten

Saved from ruin after fleeing from a terrible mistake, Iraluri is grateful for her husband, and that gratitude is equaled only by her dread of disappointing him with more mistakes. Together they fumble through magic once practiced by her fallen people in the hopes of finding the forgotten offerings...

Ocena czytelników: - (oddanych głosów: 0)

Książek: 2