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Birthday Stories

liczba stron: 192

In this enviable gathering, Haruki Murakami has chosen for his party some of the very best short story writers of recent years, each with their own birthday experiences, each story a snapshot of life on a single day. Including stories by Russell Banks, Ethan Canin, Raymond Carver, David Foster Wallace, Denis Johnson, Claire Keegan, Andrea Lee, Daniel Lyons, Lynda Sexson, Paul Theroux, William Trevor and Haruki Murakami, this anthology captures a range of emotions evoked by advancing age and the passing of time, from events fondly recalled to the impact of appalling tragedy.

Previously published in a Japanese translation by Haruki Murakami, this English edition contains a specially written introduction.


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[edytuj informacje]O książce

Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books
Rok wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-099-48155-3
Ocena: -
Liczba głosów: -
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Dodał: Serfer
03 III 2012 (ponad 12 lat temu)

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