Książki autorstwa Rebecca Lim

The Astrologer's Daughter
Rebecca Lim

My mother always called it the eventuality. Not the maybe, or the probably. ‘It’s going to happen,’ she would tell me calmly. ‘I even know when. It’s a twist in my stars. It’s written there, and we have to accept it. My mother, Joanne Nielsen Crowe. She has a name, she’s not a was. Avicenna Crowe’s...

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Mercy. Exile
Rebecca Lim

An electric combination of angels, mystery and romance, EXILE is the breathtaking sequel to MERCY in a major new paranormal romance series. There's something very wrong with me. When I wake up, I could be anyone… An angel in exile, Mercy is doomed to return repeatedly to Earth, taking on a new hum...

Ocena czytelników: 6 (oddanych głosów: 1)
Mercy. Muse
Rebecca Lim

An angel searching for answers, for her destiny… In the third MERCY paranormal romance, Mercy wakes in a new unknown host, her love for Ryan and Luc burning stronger than ever. But who will she make the ultimate sacrifice for? There’s something very wrong with me. When I wake up, I could be anyone…...

Ocena czytelników: 6 (oddanych głosów: 1)
Mercy. Miłosierna
Rebecca Lim

Nowa trylogia dla młodzieży! Historia upadłego anioła, który musi odbyć długą podróż, by odkupić winy i na nowo poznać siebie. Kim jest Mercy? Ile ma lat? Jak się tu znalazła? Na te pytanie ona sama, wygnany z raju anioł, nie zna odpowiedzi. Jej dusza tym razem utknęła w ciele nastoletniej Carmen....

Ocena czytelników: 6 (oddanych głosów: 1)

Książek: 4