Książki autorstwa Jim Butcher

First Lord's Fury
Jim Butcher

For Gaius Octavian, life has been one long battle. Now, the end of all he fought for is close at hand. The brutal, dreaded Vord are on the march against Alera. And perhaps for the final time, Gaius Octavian and his legions must stand against the enemies of his people. And it will take all his intell...

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Princeps' Fury
Jim Butcher

Tavi of Calderon, now recognized as Princeps Gaius Octavian and heir to the crown, has achieved a fragile alliance with Alera's oldest foes, the savage Canim. But when Tavi and his legions guide the Canim safely to their lands, his worst fears are realized. The dreaded Vord - the enemy of Aleran an...

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Captain's Fury
Jim Butcher

After two years of bitter conflict with the hordes of invading Canim, Tavi of Calderon, now Captain of the First Aleran Legion, realizes that a peril far greater than the Canim exists-the mysterious threat that drove the savage Canim to flee their homeland. Now, Tavi must find a way to overcome the...

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Cursor's Fury
Jim Butcher

The power-hungry High Lord of Kalare has launched a rebellion against the aging First Lord, Gaius Sextus, who with the loyal forces of Alera must fight beside the unlikeliest of allies-the equally contentious High Lord of Aquitaine. Meanwhile, young Tavi of Calderon joins a newly formed legion und...

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Academ's Fury
Jim Butcher

For centuries, the people of Alera have relied on the power of the furies to protect them from outside invaders. But the gravest threat might be closer than they think. Tavi has escaped the Calderon Valley and the mysterious attack of the Marat on his homeland. But he is far from safe, as trying to...

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Furies of Calderon
Jim Butcher

For a thousand years, the people of Alera have united against the aggressive and threatening races that inhabit the world, using their unique bond with the furies - elementals of earth, air, fire, water, and metal. But now, Gaius Sextus, First Lord of Alera, grows old and lacks an heir. Ambitious Hi...

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Mirror, Mirror
Jim Butcher

Z cyklu Akta Harry'ego Dresdena: 1. Front burzowy 2. Pełnia Księżyca 3. Upiorne zagrożenie 4. Rycerz królowej 5. Śmiertelne maski 6. Krwawe rytuały 7. Martwy rewir 8. Dowody winy 9. Biała noc 10. Drobna przysługa 11. Zdrajca 12. Zmiany 13. Opowieść o duchach 14. Zimne dni 15. Gra pozorów 16. Rozmowy...

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Rozmowy pokojowe
Jim Butcher

Harry Dresden powrócił i jest gotów do działania. Wy również przygotujcie się na najnowszą przygodę w bestsellerowej serii Akta Dresdena. Kiedy nadprzyrodzone nacje spotykają się, by na drodze negocjacji położyć kres trwającym konfliktom, Harry Dresden, jedyny zawodowy mag w Chicago, dołącza do gru...

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