Książki autorstwa Jeff Altabef

Scorched Souls
Jeff Altabef

Juliet Wildfire Stone is not just a Chosen, she's the Alpha. The fate of Earth may well rest in her hands, but when she meets the Prime Elector at last, the mortal enemy at the center of her new destiny, he proves not to be what she expected. Plunged into a conflict between two ancient foes, one th...

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Brink of Dawn
Jeff Altabef

Juliet Wildfire Stone and her best friend, Troy Buckhorn, barely escaped their sleepy Arizona town alive. Now they’re speeding to New York City to find the three other Chosen. The Chosen must band together to face an ancient foe that threatens all humanity. Yet Juliet doesn’t know whom to trust, an...

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The Ghost King
Jeff Altabef

An Ancient Prophecy foretold. An Evil haunts the land. A battle looms against overwhelming odds. Led by a powerful witch, a wild invading army threatens to tear the Soulless lands apart. To survive, the three tribes must join together, but old grievances and hatred divide them. Only Wilky can unite...

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Red Death
Jeff Altabef

Seventeen-year-old Aaliss graduated at the top of her class and now works as a highly trained Guardian. She’s sworn to keep Eden safe from the dangers lingering outside of Eden’s sturdy walls in the land of the Soulless—a medieval world filled with witches, warrior kingdoms, and magic. Outside Eden...

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Devil's Den
Jeff Altabef

A former spy with a dark secret and a past he can't outrun. A mysterious cult that steals beautiful teenagers. A looming battle between the forces of light and dark, and the girl who drags them into the middle of it all. Steven Cabbott sees demons, and has even had to fight a few. Lately, they've t...

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Wind Catcher
Jeff Altabef, Erynn Altabef

Juliet Wildfire Stone hears voices and sees visions, but she can’t make out what they mean. Her eccentric grandfather tells her stories about the Great Wind Spirit and Coyote, but he might as well be speaking another language. None of it makes any sense. When she stumbles upon a series of murders s...

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Książek: 6