Książki autorstwa Alice Reeds

Petty Little Lives
Alice Reeds

The only thing cousins Sapphire Hope and Roxanna Revolution have in common is they don’t want to spend the summer at their aunt’s Iowa farm. Sapphire is an entitled L.A. rich-girl… Spoiled by her Oscar-winning mother and a CEO father, Sapphire thrives on the lifestyle of a jet-setting socialite and...

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Alice Reeds

They wake on a deserted island. Fiona and Miles, high school enemies now stranded together. No memory of how they got there. No plan to follow, no hope to hold on to. Each step forward reveals the mystery behind the forces that brought them here. And soon, the most chilling discovery: something els...

Ocena czytelników: - (oddanych głosów: 0)

Książek: 2