Książki autorstwa Quinn Loftis

Piercing Silence
Quinn Loftis

It’s been six months since Jacque Lupei was imprisoned in the dark forest with her female pack mates, wondering if they would ever see their mates again. Six months since she and Fane found out that Jen and Decebel would not be the only couple adding a new pup to the pack. Six months of peace and qu...

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Luna of Mine
Quinn Loftis

Every life leaves behind a legacy. Every story has a beginning and an end. The Alpha of the Romania Grey Wolves knows this better than most. He also knows it’s the things that transpire to create that legacy and the experiences, triumphs and failures that happen in the middle of the story that matte...

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Sacrifice of Love
Quinn Loftis

As one evil falls, another rises in its place. The powerful witch, Desdemona, has finally been killed by an alliance of wolf, elf, and fae. But Reyaz, brother to Cypher the warlock king, has vowed retribution for a life that was taken from him. Now Cypher must decide not only how to protect his newf...

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Fate and Fury
Quinn Loftis

The last few days have been the darkest of Sally’s life. After experiencing the joy of finding her mate, she now suffers the pain of losing everything she holds dear. Both the Romanian and Serbian packs have been captured, ripping Sally’s soul mate away from her almost as soon as she had found him....

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Beyond the Veil
Quinn Loftis

Though the Serbian pack has been brought to heel thanks to the downfall of their Alpha, the war is far from over. Desdemona, a witch of unfathomable power, has escaped the wolves’ wrath, but she will not go quietly into the night. She takes refuge in a place where even the smallest sliver of light d...

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Out of the Dark
Quinn Loftis

Darkness has descended on the Transylvanian Alps. Four packs of the powerful Grey wolves – in a rare show of cooperation – had joined together here in an effort to help their pack members find true mates. Then they were betrayed by one of their own – an Alpha hell-bent on becoming the most powerful...

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Just One Drop
Quinn Loftis

Jennifer Adams, best friend to Jacque Pierce and Sally Morgan, spicy, out spoken, a little crazy and human...or so she thought. Jen has just found out that human DNA is not the only thing that resides in her veins, she happens to share that little pesky werewolf gene, although it isn't more than jus...

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Blood Rites
Quinn Loftis

With the challenge complete and the corrupt Alpha of Coldspring defeated Fane is now free to complete the mate bond with Jacque and perform the Blood Rites. Although the challenge is done, the affects are far reaching. Once it is known that Vasile, one of the strongest Alphas in the world is in Amer...

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Książek: 17