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Easter is the central feast in the Christian liturgical year. According to the Canonical gospels, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. Some Christians celebrate this resurrection on Easter Day or Easter Sunday, two days after Good Friday and three days after Maundy Thursday. The chronology of his death and resurrection is va(...)
Dodane przez: katie157
Dodano: 07 V 2011, 15:16:56
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 140
Vegetarianism is a very popular trend nowadays. Some people stop eating meat because they care about animals, others want to be trendy because ‘eco’ is on top now. Is it really healthier way of life? Vegetarianism is a great idea because of animals’ good - sometimes they are kept in very bad conditions. Moreover, people kill them in a cruel way – anim(...)
Dodane przez: barsucznik
Dodano: 01 V 2011, 13:19:37
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 137
Many people say that they have a friend from(??) whom there’s no need to hide any fact of their lives. They can tell them about their problems at work, with children, with a partner… About everything. But is this really possible? Being honest, everyone sometimes has thoughts which are important and private for him(self?) and doesn’t want anybody to get (...)
Dodane przez: barsucznik
Dodano: 01 V 2011, 13:14:56
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 270
CZASY PROSTE Present Simple Tense-teraźniejszy prosty. 1.Gdy mówimy o regularnie wykonywanych czynnościach w teraźniejszości,np.I of ten go to the theatre;2.Time determiners:always,usually,of ten, sometimes,etery Day,seldomyear,centry; trzeciej osoby l.p. dodaje się +s,+es(s,ss,sh,ch,Th,x,o; to wash-the washes, to Bush-the bushes;4.operatorzy:do i d(...)
Dodane przez: katie157
Dodano: 30 IV 2011, 16:50:12
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 169
"Forms of spending free time" Dear surveyed! The following questionarie is anonymous. The survey relates to leisure activities. Please answer the questions be low. I. Do you habe any free time? a)I don't have b)I'm on weekdays c)I've during the holidays II. When do yoy have free time? a)Morning b)Afternoon c)Evening III. Con you spa(...)
Dodane przez: katie157
Dodano: 30 IV 2011, 15:30:49
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 191
Name:Sari Wooden Age:17 Job:Student Likes: Sport, music, read books Dislike:animals Hobbies:piano playing This is Sari Wooden. She is 17 yeras old. She is Japanese, but live in America. She goes to school there. She is a good student. She is tall and slim. She has small, dark eyes. She has short, straihgt and red hair. Sari likes sport and music. (...)
Dodane przez: katie157
Dodano: 30 IV 2011, 15:21:25
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 131
France is a country, part of which is located in Western Europe, with several overseas territories on other continents. France is bordered with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain. France is a founding member of the United Nations. The currency is the euro; France is a democratic state. Highest point: Mont Blanc (...)
Dodane przez: katie157
Dodano: 24 IV 2011, 21:34:42
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 943
LEONARDO DA VINCI Leonardo da Vinci was born 15 April, 1452 at Anchiano near Vinci in Italy, died 2 May 1519 at Clos Lucé in France. Italian Renaissance painter, architect, philosopher, musician, writer, explorer, mathematician, engineer, anatomist, inventor, geologist. He was the illegitimate son of a notary ser Piero da Vinci and the peasant woman Ca(...)
Dodane przez: katie157
Dodano: 21 IV 2011, 22:21:48
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 139
Are you a teenager? Do you argue with your mum and dad? If you’ve answered “yes” two times then you’d probably like to know how to get along with your parents or how to convince them to your side even if they’re saying absolutely “no” to any of your ideas and wants. First of all, I think that you should gain your parents' confidence. If parents trust y(...)
Dodane przez: BARMAN2005
Dodano: 18 IV 2011, 21:01:59
Ostatnie zmiany: 13 VI 2011, 18:14:04
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 1078
In my opinion, tests on animals sholud be ban. First of all animals are our friends. We cannot using them just as a laboratory subjects. Today on whole world animals are treating badly. We don't understand, that they have the same right to live, like us. Secondly human is a king of the world, but it is not enough, to decide about somebodie's life, ev(...)
Dodane przez: VanillaEssa
Dodano: 12 IV 2011, 16:46:05
Ostatnie zmiany: 12 IV 2011, 16:50:26
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 130
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