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Gimnazjum -> Języki obce -> Angielski - str 5
I’m really convinced, that in the world are people agreed with me. We can buy many things but not everything. And I’m not thinking about material things but about something like humans values. Firstly – happiness. For everybody happiness is a whole new ball game. For example I’m happy, when I can spend my free time with my family, close friends. I know(...)
Dodane przez: bartekpohl
Dodano: 21 I 2013, 08:47:01
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 27
30 November 2011 Dear Sir or Madam, I have seen your advertisement in today's edition of 'The London Mail', asking for volunteers to study abroad for up to six months. As a student I am about to finish my second year studying English Philology at University in Rzeszów. It would be a great chance to have an opportunity to study abroad in order to d(...)
Dodane przez: lena1546
Dodano: 20 I 2013, 21:56:04
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 23
The building is very large, he has three floors and on the ground floor there is changing room. There is also the gymnastic hall. There are the various directions of the teaching at the school. Every one feels here well. Pupils take care about the interior decorations of classes. Classes are spacious and neat. Teachers are here very nice and helpful. On(...)
Dodane przez: xasiaaa
Dodano: 08 I 2013, 19:08:11
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 21
Dear adam How are you? Thanks for your pictures. I'm sorry I did not write that long lived in the home of Eve and Tom Smith, they have two children, Anya and Peter. Eve in the morning makes breakfast for everyone and after breakfast with her husband go shopping. and their children go to school by bus after returning from a shopping smith state prepar(...)
Dodane przez: szklana22
Dodano: 03 I 2013, 11:56:32
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 17
A summer is my favourite season, since then he is warm, it is possible to walk in short sleeves. Above all I adore the summer behind the fact that there are holidays in it. In holidays I can travel to another place, walk later sleep, I am not limited by school duties. In the summer I can ride a bike, swim in the sea, in the summer I am simply feeling fr(...)
Dodane przez: lurt
Dodano: 02 I 2013, 23:09:04
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 20
Pozdrowienia Hi – cześć Hello – cześć Good morning – dzień dobry Good afternoon – dobre po południe Good evening – dobry wieczór Good night – dobranoc Thank you – dziękuję Thanks – dzięki You’re welcome – proszę Excuse me – przepraszam (bardziej grzecznościowe) (I'm) Sorry – przepraszam Good-bye – do widzenia Bye – pa How are you? – Jak się masz? How (...)
Dodane przez: Borsuk1985
Dodano: 28 XII 2012, 17:05:19
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 17
Everyone has someone who can admire. The person I admire the most is not a movie star or famous singer. I save my admiration for someone special, for my best friend Ewelina. I met her in work. She is short person with long, straight, red hair and friendly, green eyes. She is very slim and has an amazing dark complexion. What can I say? Ewelina is just b(...)
Dodane przez: justaskme
Dodano: 16 XII 2012, 14:14:32
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 24
In my free time I play computer games. I also like watch tv. Usually play baskrtball. Sometimes I sing my favourite songs. I also meet my friends. We watch our favourite films, eat popcorn. We very like telling jokes. In my free time I like draw funny stories.I also go to the park, cinema or shop.I like surf the net(...)
Dodane przez: malwina1331
Dodano: 11 XII 2012, 15:25:19
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 25
Hi everyone. I write because i must have wypracowanie for polish and it's here and i must something add here, to see all wypracowanie. I'm sorry, but i don't want to get 1. Hi. I write dalej, bo muszę mieć 200 znaków, dlaczego tutaj są kryteria takie bezwzględne. Kurczaki pieczone. Nigdy nic za darmo. Najpierw musi się człowiek namęczyć, żeby mieć dobr(...)
Dodane przez: maafia523
Dodano: 22 XI 2012, 20:37:55
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 1
Odsłon: 58
Thanks for a tickets to theatre ill use them at this weekend ill hope youll enjoy in your holiday give me a phone call when youll get back. J have the pleasure of inviting you for a cup of tea or coffe so talk to soon.Bye(...)
Dodane przez: olivier1308
Dodano: 21 XI 2012, 11:32:03
Ostatnie zmiany: brak zmian
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 23
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