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Liceum -> Języki obce -> Angielski
Besides Internet and mobile phones, credit cards have become an inseparable part of a daily life. Many people can not imagine life without them. But are they really good as they look? There is no doubt credit cards are very useful and have many adavantages. Firstly, you do not need to carry much cash with you. It is comfortable and reduce risk of los(...)
Dodane przez: you777
Dodano: 07 VI 2013, 16:16:15
Ostatnie zmiany: 14 X 2013, 15:08:17
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 61
a) przepros ze dawno nie pisales i powiedz dlaczego, b)poinformuj ze masz nowego nauczyciela od ang i ze przygotowujesz sie do egzaminu c)napisz z czym masz najwieksze problemy w nauce jezyka i popros kolege o rade jak mozna sobie z nimi poradzic d)zapros go do Polski na weekend i zaproponuj co bedziecie robic Dear Kate! Sorry I have not writ(...)
Dodane przez: karolinkak121
Dodano: 05 X 2013, 12:08:09
Ostatnie zmiany: 05 X 2013, 12:10:13
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 24
My family consists of three people. Me, my mom and dad. My name is Anna I am 16 years old. My mum is 38 years old and she is beautiful. She has long brown hair and green eyes. Her name is Monika. She is teacher of mathematics. My dad is 40 years old and he is very smart. His name is Grzegorz. He is working in bank and he is banker. He is very tall and s(...)
Dodane przez: polcia2411
Dodano: 26 IX 2013, 08:35:47
Ostatnie zmiany: 26 IX 2013, 09:10:09
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 21
Have you ever wanted to be a famous person? Have you ever wanted to make a name for yourself? To my way of thinking, most of people wolud say ‘’yes’’. But there are also guys, who don’t want to be in the limelight. How looks life of a really celebrated person? One major of advantage of being famous is that your life revolves around TV and fashion. Yo(...)
Dodane przez: kasiaasrasiaaa
Dodano: 09 V 2013, 21:45:02
Ostatnie zmiany: 09 V 2013, 21:45:27
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 36
Dear Sir or Madame I am writhing to apply for a job of school psychologist. I saw the advertisement on the webpage of our city. I have got te necessary skills for the job. Ihave grandated from studies of psychology at the Uniwersytet Jagieloński in Warsaw. I have completed many coures and training programes. Ihave worked with young people in schools.(...)
Dodane przez: aleksandramam
Dodano: 30 X 2012, 12:27:28
Ostatnie zmiany: 30 X 2012, 12:28:11
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 47
Przebywasz na stypendium w Anglii. Udało Ci się pożyczyć z biblioteki na dwa dni bardzo ważną książkę, z której zamówiłeś kserokopię kilkudziesięciu stron na własny użytek. Nie jesteś zadowolony z pracy, jaką wykonał pracownik punktu kserograficznego, on natomiast nie chce zwrócić Ci pieniędzy. Napisz list z reklamacją usługi do właściciela punktu ks(...)
Dodane przez: BARMAN2005
Dodano: 13 III 2012, 18:28:45
Ostatnie zmiany: 13 III 2012, 18:30:31
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 857
Wanda Półtawska’s book is a collection of memories from the concentration camp in Ravensbrück. The author was imprisoned and tortured there. After her homecoming she couldn’t get rid of her terrible memories. That memories were coming back in nightmares. That’s why the book is entitled „And I am afraid of dreams”. Using her teacher’s advices, Wanda deci(...)
Dodane przez: madziach05
Dodano: 17 I 2012, 14:23:46
Ostatnie zmiany: 17 I 2012, 19:54:34
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 588
More and more young Polish students have recently decided to learn new things and study abroad. Most of them are going to the British Isles where they start a whole new life. Is it good or bad? Let’s take a closer look at this matter! First of all, I think that if I had to choose where to study abroad I would for sure choose Great Britain, just like ma(...)
Dodane przez: BARMAN2005
Dodano: 14 XII 2011, 00:15:06
Ostatnie zmiany: 14 XII 2011, 00:16:48
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 1260
At present, money is the key to the success. Payable, private schools offer many benefits that public schools. Therefore, pivate schools are better. On the one hand, we can show highlights of this, yet, on the other hand, drawbacks. First and formost, researchers have used various techniques to study how class size affects the quality of education. Fro(...)
Dodane przez: laura
Dodano: 28 XI 2011, 21:45:46
Ostatnie zmiany: 29 XI 2011, 00:20:04
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 62
Are you a teenager? Do you argue with your mum and dad? If you’ve answered “yes” two times then you’d probably like to know how to get along with your parents or how to convince them to your side even if they’re saying absolutely “no” to any of your ideas and wants. First of all, I think that you should gain your parents' confidence. If parents trust y(...)
Dodane przez: BARMAN2005
Dodano: 18 IV 2011, 21:01:59
Ostatnie zmiany: 13 VI 2011, 18:14:04
Oceniło osób: 0
Komentarzy: 0
Odsłon: 1078
1 2 3 4 5  > >> >|

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