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The Vow

Young Rosemarie finds herself drawn to Thomas, the son of the nearby baron. But just as her feelings begin to grow, a man carrying the Plague interrupts their hunting party. While in forced isolation, Rosemarie begins to contemplate her future—could it include Thomas? Could he be the perfect man to one day rule beside her and oversee her parents’ lands?

Then Rosemarie is summoned back to her castle in haste. The disease has spread, and her family is threatened. And the secret she discovers when she returns could change her future forever.

Seria An Uncertain Choice

0.5. The Vow
1. An Uncertain Choice
2. A Daring Sacrifice
3. For Love and Honor
4. A Loyal Heart

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Dodał: Sanai
15 IV 2018 (ponad 6 lat temu)

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