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Emma and her neighbor Peter are both lonely in a way that only bothers them occasionally. They both come from families they don't quite understand. They both feel like something big is missing from their lives-and they're both about to search for answers. When Emma makes a discovery that shakes the foundations of her identity, she convinces Peter to join her for a road trip. Each of them has something to find: For Emma, it is a grave-a grave that may be her only connection to her family. Peter is seeking something harder to define, but perhaps easier to navigate-a freedom, a sense of something more than what he has. Together, they take to the open road, engaging in a universal quest to make sense of who they are and where they come, and learning a thing or two about love along the way.
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Dodał: Miravelle
04 I 2015 (ponad 9 lat temu)

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