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Pretty Amy

Amy is fine living in the shadows of beautiful Lila and uber-cool Cassie, because at least she's somewhat beautiful and uber-cool by association. But when the girls get stood up for prom and take matters into their own hands--earning them a night in jail outfitted in satin, stilettos, and Spanx -- Amy discovers even a prom spent in handcuffs might be better than the humiliating "rehabilitation techniques" now filling up her summer. Even worse, with Lila and Cassie parentally banned, Amy feels like she has nothing -- like she is nothing. Navigating unlikely alliances with her new coworker, two very different boys, and possibly even her parents, Amy struggles to decide if it's worth being a best friend when it makes you a public enemy. Bringing readers along on an often hilarious and heartwarming journey, Amy finds that maybe getting a life only happens once you think your life is over.
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[edytuj informacje]O książce

Wydawnictwo: Entangled Select
Rok wydania: 2012
ISBN: 9781620611197
Ocena: -
Liczba głosów: -
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Dodał: domi124
18 I 2013 (ponad 11 lat temu)

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