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Seduce the darknes

Devyn is a king, a warrior and an unrepentant collector of women, able to charm anyone anywhere. Except Bride. Bride McKells is a street-wise fighter but uneducated in the ways of the vampire and desperate to find another of her kind. Having never seen one, she's not even sure others are out there. Seductive Devyn has the answers she craves and can take her to the dark underground of her people. But Bride's blood might hold the key to saving Devyn's friends at AIR, Alien Investigation and Removal, so he's loathe to let her go. Especially when he begins to crave her more than he's ever craved another. Together they will enter the seedy world of slave auctions, battle a powerful alien queen whose diseased blood turns humans into cannibals, and discover a passion unlike any other. But in the end, Bride must choose between the man she's come to love and the family she's always longed for.

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Dodał: Asava
04 VIII 2011 (ponad 13 lat temu)

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